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#Eka Beselia

MPs threaten to quit Georgian Dream over supreme justice nominees

At least four MPs including former legal affairs committee chair Eka Beselia threatened to quit over accusations of ‘clan rule’ within the judiciary.

MPs threaten to quit Georgian Dream over supreme justice nominees

At least four MPs including former legal affairs committee chair Eka Beselia threatened to quit over accusations of ‘clan rule’ within the judiciary.

Controversial supreme court nominees withdraw candidacy in Georgia

After widespread backlash over the nominations including from within the ruling party, Georgian Dream has promised to clear up nomination procedures.

Controversial supreme court nominees withdraw candidacy in Georgia

After widespread backlash over the nominations including from within the ruling party, Georgian Dream has promised to clear up nomination procedures.

Legal committee head resigns amidst ‘crisis’ and ‘clan rule’ in Georgia’s judiciary

Rights groups called on judges to resign as their appointment speaks of a ‘crisis and overwhelming power of the clan inside the Council of Justice’.

Legal committee head resigns amidst ‘crisis’ and ‘clan rule’ in Georgia’s judiciary

Rights groups called on judges to resign as their appointment speaks of a ‘crisis and overwhelming power of the clan inside the Council of Justice’.

Georgia’s Rights Committee supports bill against ‘insulting religious feelings’

The bill before the human rights committee was authored by conservative groups.

Georgia’s Rights Committee supports bill against ‘insulting religious feelings’

The bill before the human rights committee was authored by conservative groups.

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